🌿 Nomad Rank 🌿
Welcome to the Nomad Rank! Here's what you'll enjoy with your new status:
- 🏷️ 3x Auction House Slots
- 🏠 3x Homes
- 🛒 5x Chest Shops
- 🗑️ Access to /dispose
- 🕵️♂️ Access to /seen <player> - View when a player was last online!
- 🎁 Access to /kit nomad (Available every 7 days)
- Ability to use /shop everywhere
-Ability to use /ah everywhere
Nomad Kit:
- 💎 Diamond Tools: Efficiency 1, Unbreaking 1
- 💎 Diamond Armor: Protection 1, Unbreaking 1
- 💎 Diamond Sword: Sharpness 1, Unbreaking 1
- 🏹 Bow: Power 1, Unbreaking 1
-⛔ 1 Rank skip
- 15 minutes fly time voucher
Explore, trade, and thrive with your Nomad Rank perks!

🌾 Forager Rank 🌾
Welcome to the Forager Rank! Here's what awaits you with this exclusive status:
- 🏷️ 5x Auction House Slots
- 🏠 5x Homes
- 🛒 7x Chest Shops
- 🍖 Access to /feed
- 📦 Access to /enderchest
- 🔨 Access to /workbench
- 🗑️ Access to /dispose
- Ability to use /shop everywhere
-Ability to use /ah everywhere
✨Access to /bottlexp
- 🎁 Access to /kit forager (available every 7 days)
Forager Kit:
- 💎 Diamond Tools: Efficiency 2, Unbreaking 2
- 💎 Diamond Armor: Protection 2, Unbreaking 2
- 💎 Diamond Sword: Sharpness 2, Unbreaking 2
- 🏹 Bow: Power 2, Unbreaking 2
-⛔ 2 Rank skips
- 30m fly time voucher
Embrace your new abilities and thrive as a Forager! 🌿

🏞️ Scout Rank 🏞️
Explore the benefits of the Scout Rank with these exciting bonuses:
- 🏷️ 7x Auction House Slots
- 🏠 7x Homes
- 🛒 9x Chest Shops
- 🍖 Access to /feed
- 📦 Access to /enderchest
- 🔨 Access to /workbench
- 🗑️ Access to /dispose
- 📦 Access to 1x Player Vault
- ⛏️ Ability to have 5 players at your mine while private (1x above max)
- Ability to use /shop everywhere
-Ability to use /ah everywhere
✨Access to /bottlexp
- 🎁 Access to /kit scout (available every 7 days)
Scout Kit:
- 💎 Diamond Tools: Efficiency 3, Unbreaking 3
- 💎 Diamond Armor: Protection 3, Unbreaking 3
- 💎 Diamond Sword: Sharpness 3, Unbreaking 3
- 🏹 Bow: Power 3, Unbreaking 3
- ⛔ 3 Rank skips
-1h flytime voucher
Prepare for adventure and take your journey further as a Scout! 🌲

🏹 Huntsman Rank 🏹
Embrace the thrill of the Huntsman Rank with these exclusive bonuses:
- ⚡ Access to /autosell (instant)
- 🏷️ 9x Auction House Slots
- 🏠 9x Homes
- 🛒 11x Chest Shops
- 🍖 Access to /feed
- 📦 Access to /enderchest
- 🔨 Access to /workbench
- 🗑️ Access to /dispose
- 📦 Access to 3x Player Vaults
- Ability to use /shop everywhere
-Ability to use /ah everywhere
✨Access to /bottlexp
- ⛏️ Ability to have 6 players at your mine while private (2x above max)
- 💰 Ability to set up to a 15% Tax Rate when your mine is public (make passive income!)
- 💸 Make 5% more money when selling blocks!
- 🎁 Access to /kit huntsman (available every 7 days)
Huntsman Kit:
- 💎 Diamond Tools: Efficiency 4, Unbreaking 3
- 💎 Diamond Armor: Protection 4, Unbreaking 3
- 💎 Diamond Sword: Sharpness 4, Unbreaking 3
- 🏹 Bow: Power 4, Unbreaking 3
- ⛔ 4 Rank skips
- 2h fly time voucher
Unleash your hunting prowess and dominate the landscape as a Huntsman! 🌲

💥 Savage Rank 💥
Prepare for the ultimate battle with the Savage Rank, where power and prestige await:
- ⚡ Access to /autosell (instant)
🪶- Access to /fly
- 🏷️ 11x Auction House Slots
- 🏠 11x Homes
- 🛒 13x Chest Shops
- 🍖 Access to /feed
- 📦 Access to /enderchest
- 🔨 Access to /workbench
- 🗑️ Access to /dispose
- 📦 Access to 6x Player Vaults
- ✈️ Access to /fly
- Ability to use /shop everywhere
-Ability to use /ah everywhere
✨Access to /bottlexp
- ⛏️ Ability to have 7 players at your mine while private (3x above max)
- 💰 Ability to set up to a 20% Tax Rate when your mine is public (make passive income!)
- 👥 Ability to add an extra Gang Member (7x Total)
- 💸 Make 10% more money when selling blocks!
- 🎁 Access to /kit warrior (available every 7 days)
Savage Kit:
- 💎 Diamond Tools: Efficiency 5, Unbreaking 3
- 💎 Diamond Armor: Protection 4, Unbreaking 3
- 💎 Diamond Sword: Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 3
- 🏹 Bow: Power 5, Unbreaking 3
-⛔ 5 Rank skips
- 3h fly time voucher
Embrace your savage spirit and conquer all challenges that come your way! 🌟

🪨 Caveman Rank 🪨
Embark on a primal journey with the Caveman Rank and unlock the following powerful bonuses:
- ⚡ Access to /autosell (instant)
- 🏷️ 15x Auction House Slots
- 🏠 15x Homes
- 🛒 20x Chest Shops
- 🍖 Access to /feed
- 📦 Access to /enderchest
- 🔨 Access to /workbench
- 🗑️ Access to /dispose
- 📦 Access to 10x Player Vaults
- ✈️ Access to /fly
- Ability to use /shop everywhere
-Ability to use /ah everywhere
✨Access to /bottlexp
- ⛏️ Ability to have 8 players at your mine while private (4x above max)
- 💰 Ability to set up to a 25% Tax Rate when your mine is public (make passive income!)
- 👥 Ability to add an extra Gang Member (7x Total)
- 💸 Make 15% more money when selling blocks!
- 🎁 Access to /kit caveman (available every 7 days)
Caveman Kit:
- 🔱 Netherite Tools: Efficiency 5, Unbreaking 3
- 🔱 Netherite Armor: Protection 2, Unbreaking 3
- 🔱 Netherite Sword: Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 3
- 🏹 Bow: Power 5, Unbreaking 3
- ⛔ 6 Rank skips
- 5h fly time voucher
Unleash your primal strength and conquer the wilderness like never before! 🌿

🌾 Forager Rank 🌾
Welcome to the Forager Rank! Here's what awaits you with this exclusive status:
- 🏷️ 5x Auction House Slots
- 🏠 5x Homes
- 🛒 7x Chest Shops
- 🍖 Access to /feed
- 📦 Access to /enderchest
- 🔨 Access to /workbench
- 🗑️ Access to /dispose
- 🎁 Access to /kit forager (available every 7 days)
Forager Kit:
- 💎 Diamond Tools: Efficiency 2, Unbreaking 2
- 💎 Diamond Armor: Protection 2, Unbreaking 2
- 💎 Diamond Sword: Sharpness 2, Unbreaking 2
- 🏹 Bow: Power 2, Unbreaking 2
Embrace your new abilities and thrive as a Forager! 🌿

🏞️ Scout Rank 🏞️
Explore the benefits of the Scout Rank with these exciting bonuses:
- 🏷️ 7x Auction House Slots
- 🏠 7x Homes
- 🛒 9x Chest Shops
- 🍖 Access to /feed
- 📦 Access to /enderchest
- 🔨 Access to /workbench
- 🗑️ Access to /dispose
- 📦 Access to 1x Player Vault
- ⛏️ Ability to have 5 players at your mine while private (1x above max)
- 🎁 Access to /kit scout (available every 7 days)
Scout Kit:
- 💎 Diamond Tools: Efficiency 3, Unbreaking 3
- 💎 Diamond Armor: Protection 3, Unbreaking 3
- 💎 Diamond Sword: Sharpness 3, Unbreaking 3
- 🏹 Bow: Power 3, Unbreaking 3
Prepare for adventure and take your journey further as a Scout! 🌲

🏹 Huntsman Rank 🏹
Embrace the thrill of the Huntsman Rank with these exclusive bonuses:
- ⚡ Access to /autosell (instant)
- 🏷️ 9x Auction House Slots
- 🏠 9x Homes
- 🛒 11x Chest Shops
- 🍖 Access to /feed
- 📦 Access to /enderchest
- 🔨 Access to /workbench
- 🗑️ Access to /dispose
- 📦 Access to 3x Player Vaults
- ⛏️ Ability to have 6 players at your mine while private (2x above max)
- 💰 Ability to set up to a 15% Tax Rate when your mine is public (make passive income!)
- 💸 Make 5% more money when selling blocks!
- 🎁 Access to /kit huntsman (available every 7 days)
Huntsman Kit:
- 💎 Diamond Tools: Efficiency 4, Unbreaking 3
- 💎 Diamond Armor: Protection 4, Unbreaking 3
- 💎 Diamond Sword: Sharpness 4, Unbreaking 3
- 🏹 Bow: Power 4, Unbreaking 3
Unleash your hunting prowess and dominate the landscape as a Huntsman! 🌲

💥 Savage Rank 💥
Prepare for the ultimate battle with the Savage Rank, where power and prestige await:
- ⚡ Access to /autosell (instant)
- 🏷️ 11x Auction House Slots
- 🏠 11x Homes
- 🛒 13x Chest Shops
- 🍖 Access to /feed
- 📦 Access to /enderchest
- 🔨 Access to /workbench
- 🗑️ Access to /dispose
- 📦 Access to 6x Player Vaults
- ✈️ Access to /fly
- ⛏️ Ability to have 7 players at your mine while private (3x above max)
- 💰 Ability to set up to a 20% Tax Rate when your mine is public (make passive income!)
- 👥 Ability to add an extra Gang Member (7x Total)
- 💸 Make 10% more money when selling blocks!
- 🎁 Access to /kit warrior (available every 7 days)
Savage Kit:
- 💎 Diamond Tools: Efficiency 5, Unbreaking 3
- 💎 Diamond Armor: Protection 4, Unbreaking 3
- 💎 Diamond Sword: Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 3
- 🏹 Bow: Power 5, Unbreaking 3
Embrace your savage spirit and conquer all challenges that come your way! 🌟

🪨 Caveman Rank 🪨
Embark on a primal journey with the Caveman Rank and unlock the following powerful bonuses:
- ⚡ Access to /autosell (instant)
- 🏷️ 15x Auction House Slots
- 🏠 15x Homes
- 🛒 20x Chest Shops
- 🍖 Access to /feed
- 📦 Access to /enderchest
- 🔨 Access to /workbench
- 🗑️ Access to /dispose
- 📦 Access to 10x Player Vaults
- ✈️ Access to /fly
- ⛏️ Ability to have 8 players at your mine while private (4x above max)
- 💰 Ability to set up to a 25% Tax Rate when your mine is public (make passive income!)
- 👥 Ability to add an extra Gang Member (7x Total)
- 💸 Make 15% more money when selling blocks!
- 🎁 Access to /kit caveman (available every 7 days)
Caveman Kit:
- 🔱 Netherite Tools: Efficiency 5, Unbreaking 3
- 🔱 Netherite Armor: Protection 2, Unbreaking 3
- 🔱 Netherite Sword: Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 3
- 🏹 Bow: Power 5, Unbreaking 3
Unleash your primal strength and conquer the wilderness like never before! 🌿